Cyber Safe Supplier Services

In the ever-increasing world of digital partnerships are you sure that your partner or supplier of choice is as cyber secure as you think? Is their product or service cyber safe?

Third party cyber security risk refers to the potential cyber vulnerabilities and threats that arise from the use of external vendors and suppliers in your digital ecosystem. These risks can come from a variety of sources including the use of outdated technologies, inadequate security controls, lack of cyber governance, poorly trained cyber security staff or even malicious actors within the supply chain itself.

One of the main challenges with managing third party supply chain risks is that they can be difficult to identify and assess. This is due to the supply chain for organisations often being very complex, with many different players and moving parts. As a result, it can be difficult to ensure that all vendors and suppliers are following best practices and maintaining strong cyber security standards.

To reduce these risks, organisations need to implement a robust and comprehensive third-party cyber security assessment process.

This should include pre contract reviews, regular on-going assessments of third-party vendors and suppliers, as well as strict contract negotiations to ensure suppliers have a legal requirement to deliver a cyber safe product. In addition, customer organisations should have robust cyber incident response plans in place to quickly and effectively address any supply chain breaches.

Despite these efforts, third party supply chain risks will always be a concern in the field of cyber security. Therefore, it is crucial for organisations to remain vigilant and proactive in their efforts to manage and mitigate these risks. This includes staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field and continuously adapting and improving their assessment process to keep pace with the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape.

Third Party Cyber Security (TPCS) are a cyber security consultancy that are experts in identifying, assessing and managing cyber security risk in supply chains.


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